At Agriturismo il Castagnolino what we have in common has always been the love for nature

botanical path

The passion for plants, vegetation and all of Nature as a whole has led us this year to conclude the construction of our Botanical Path, a project that we have been carrying out for years together with < span style=”color: #3366ff;”>Permaculture, Food Forest and Synergistic Agriculture.

What is the Botanical Path?

A path within the grounds of the Agriturismo where you can admire and observe both plants, trees and shrubs planted by us over time, and those born spontaneously that are simply recognized and marked. Each plant is marked by a wooden plate and a special gift only for guests of the Agriturismo: you can follow the route independently with a map created especially for you.

We have decided to create a walk where you can observe, learn about, smell, touch medicinal plants, trees and wild herbs because we have always believed in the concept that human beings must integrate harmoniously and favorably into the environment mutual aid and subsistence.



botanical path


botanical path


botanical path

We have planted and are still planting trees and plants that are always new and different, to create the right biodiversity that Nature itself produces autonomously. In fact we try to do no harm and imitating nature itself, reproducing its development system, we try to create a harmonious and prolific environment for all living beings present, plants and every animal species that lives in the area.

The environment with the presence of many species and different types of plants benefits from the various properties that the plants themselves release into the soil from root to leaf and we humans can enjoy the fruits of the Earth in all the seasons by feeding us and taking care of us properly.

For this reason, we have decided to build a botanical itinerary that raises awareness of the importance of the vegetation present on site, trying to stimulate values such as respect and harmonious mutual coexistence, even in people who live less in contact with nature and therefore know it less.

But that’s not all!

We also want to let the people who stay at our facility spend an unforgettable day, immersed in nature, doing a pleasant activity, of extreme relaxation, but also of intellectual stimulation, so that they can take home is a beautiful memory, but also a map with small common indications, useful for approaching the subject.

Botanical tour with guide and tasting

  • For those who want to spend a different day, by reservation only, it will be possible to take the route accompanied by Lara, who will take care of explaining the culinary and healing properties of the plants on the farm. Following tasting with herbs of the place. Only for groups minimum 5 people.

Cost €70 including lunch


Natural Immersion with Audio Guide

  • You can also do something really different by doing a Natural Immersion with Audioguide and have dinner at our facility.

Cost €55 including dinner (drinks not included)



And if you want to spend one or more days completely immersed in nature, here is our article on what a forest immersion is.

Forest Immersion