Have you ever taken a Yoga class that aims to develop the 5 senses, which connects you with yourself and with Nature, which makes you enjoy good food and have fun? Here you are ! After this experience you can say you did it!


Yoga is a discipline that deals not only with the body, but with all human spheres: the physical, the body, the mind and also with developing our senses.
Each lesson is dedicated to you, that is to people who choose to live days of peace in nature, relaxation and regeneration.

The 1-hour yoga practice allows the body to:

  • Release the tensions accumulated during days in the city;
  • Enjoy this sensory break or holiday to the fullest;
  • Rebalancing energies.

Yoga lesson + Aperitif €30
Apericena only for hotel guests €20




We are waiting for you at 18:30 to start the Yoga class with Simona, founder of the One Yoga Academy, who will guide you in this immersion in the peace of nature and in the discovery of your senses.
Starting at 19.30 we will continue to enjoy your company, with an aperitif with a panoramic view of the Sienese countryside.

See all appointments on the calendar



 Yoga is very ancient and its origins are lost in history, but all Hindu scholars attribute the origin of Yoga to 5,000 BC  because depictions of some positions have been found on coins, tablets and seals belonging to that period.

The earliest written evidence was found in the Upanishads, the Vedic scriptures, which are philosophical and mystical poems, written in Sanskrit, that explore the nature of the human soul.

Even in the Bhagavad Gita, an epic poem of sa valuecro written in Sanskrit we often find the word yoga, understood above all as a lifestyle that leads towards the liberation of the soul and of life itself.

From this moment on all knowledge has been handed down thanks to this book, from master to disciple until today.

The great spread of Yoga has been with the spread of the New Age, globalization and the internet, which has allowed each of us to travel, learn, read, try and experiment. From a lifestyle point of view, Yoga takes into consideration the day and everyday life, offering a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

at the Castagnolino farmhouse

  • You will work on body-respiratory awareness;
  • You will experience how the body and the breath are a meeting place between the physical, psychic and emotional spheres;
  • You will come into more direct contact with sensory perceptions, realizing how these are obscured by the various conditioning received in the course of one’s existence;
  • You will welcome everything that the senses perceive as a chance to awaken;
  • You will enjoy a good glass of wine.

All this will lead you to live an intense “spiritual” experience.

 Simona Conforti



  • Yoga Teacher Trainer;
  • Yoga and Meditation Teacher;
  • Counselor

I started practicing Yoga since 1995 and in 2004 I graduated as a Yoga teacher.

I conducted Teacher Training courses on behalf of EFOA.
In 2015 I took the three-year Masters in pluralistic-expressive counseling at the European Academy of Florence.

I am currently trainer and director of the Yoga Teacher Training School “One Yoga Academy” and trainer of the Aomi Academy of Integrated Holistic and Metaphysical Arts .

I lead sessions of Yoga during pregnancy, Yoga Pilates, Yoga in water, Pilates in water, Respiratory and Mental techniques to acquire balance

“Meditating in solitude or walking in the hubbub of a crowded city is basically the same thing. It is only when we realize this that we truly begin to meditate. When we meditate, we do not run after anything, we do not seek any state, any ecstasy other than ‘to be totally in reality’

Daniel Odier from the book Devi.