At our farmhouse you can ask to take unique and unrepeatable personalized individual lessons of  QiGong combined with massage Shiatsu

These activities that we organize are aimed exclusively at our customers internal guests who want to experience a special experience between massage and physical practice.

Individual lessons are an added value to your stay, of any nature. If you live at the Agriturismo, you will certainly be able to take advantage of the many activities and events that the Agriturismo organizes, but the individual lesson is truly something special. An afternoon surrounded by greenery, completely dedicated to you.

We are convinced that physical practice is essential for maintaining one’s health and for this reason we offer many activities in this sense, which have a double objective, that of creating an immediate, relaxing and regenerating benefit in your holiday, so that you can thus bring it home and stimulate your body to want to continue the practice even at home.

We combine body movement with a rebalancing and relaxing massage, which crowns your day perfectly only with what is good for you.




Book this particular unforgettable and unique experience with Nicola, QiGong teacher and masseur

Cost €140 per person – Minimum two people – duration 3 hours


on this individual activity

See also our Events Calendar