Why do we do cooking lessons?

We do Cooking Lessons first of all because we like to teach others the tricks of the trade, we like to see people smile, be satisfied with their work and finally enjoy the prepared dish with satisfaction.

Everyday life in the city increasingly leads people to live a hectic life that leaves little room for cooking.

More and more ready-made, packaged, frozen or fresh foods of various cultures and nationalities appear in supermarkets and shops, always available to be eaten when you are hungry, whether hot or cold, you can find them at any time of day or night .
So what’s the problem?
You buy them and you eat them!

In the long run, however, many people have realized, beyond the fact of how much eating in this way damages your health, how much this food lacks the value of those who made it, the energy of the heart that every Chef, Cook, Grandmother or other , enters the food.

This is what we recover and love to spread!

The cooking lessons arise from the very need of our customers who, tasting the good food we offer for lunches and dinners, often asked, can you teach me?
Can you teach me?
So one day we said, why not please them by having cooking lessons?
And so Lella from that day has ventured with passion and fun, to give recipes.

With good humour, cheerfulness and a lot of professionalism every Wednesday from 10:45 to 14:00 at our farmhouse il Castagnolino, you can take part in cooking lessons which will address various topics such as:

  • the use of flour for the preparation of fresh pasta, tagliatelle, filled pasta, egg pasta, ravioli, maltagliati, pici, orecchiette, etc;
  • the preparation of some simple sauces of Mediterranean cuisine. Cooked with local foods and ingredients, collected, if possible at the same time in the land surrounding the farm and which offers, between a synergistic vegetable garden and medicinal plants, a panorama of very tasty, organic and spontaneous ingredients that make the dish a delight.


Ultimately you will eat what you have made.
You will taste your dishes with a good glass of matching wine, in the Chianti Senese countryside, for an unforgettable day!

If you like good food, experimenting like a child in front of the little chemist, doing things yourself and above all eating good and healthy food, all you have to do is get your hands dirty!


See other appointments on the calendar


Consecutive cooking lessons on various topics are also available upon request.

We are waiting for you and in the meantime we will give you a recipe!!


Take a pan, pour a good spoonful of extra virgin olive oil, add a teaspoon of chopped chilli pepper and 5 crushed and 5 finely chopped cloves of garlic.

Sauté and when you see that the garlic is ready, add the peeled and roughly chopped tomatoes, a pinch of salt, mix to mix everything well.

Let the sauce cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally and adjust the salt and woilà… the sauce is ready to throw in your freshly drained and hot pici.

Have a good meal!