Being able to train outdoors, in a splendid setting such as that offered by the Castagnolino is a privilege reserved for a few. Our farmhouse offers, to those who wish, the possibility of being guided in Pilates, Yoga or Qi Gong lessons held in the land adjacent to the farmhouse.

Training in Nature, immersed in silence, improves body oxygenation, toxin discharge, relaxation and concentration.
It allows you to be more present to yourself during the practice and to increase the benefits.


Pilates is a functional training method that:

  • Develop movement awareness;
  • Strengthens the body muscles, especially the CORE (abdominals and erector spinae);
  • Tone;
  • It establishes a general rebalancing of the body;
  • Improves posture and overall body alignment;
  • Train your mind too.

During Pilates practice the mind is present in the here and now to coordinate the breath with the movement.

At the end of the lesson you will feel better both physically and emotionally and mentally, trained and relaxed.



See other appointments on the calendar


Joseph Hubertus Pilates invented Pilates and gave it its name.
Born in 1880 in Germany, with a fragile structure, being afraid of not resisting the serious disease present at the time, tuberculosis, he devoted himself intensely to gymnastics with the idea of being able toboost the immune system, to the point of becoming a model for anatomical charts.
In his life he studied the osteo-articular and muscular apparatus, played many sports, became a self-defense instructor for the Police school. He was imprisoned in the First World War, the Spanish flu epidemic passed and in all this time he never stopped training himself, but neither did the others, pupils or colleagues, up to developing many machines for the recovery of military war veterans.
A life spent studying this subject, where due to life causes, he could not help but notice that those who practiced this discipline, got ill less or not at all and had a better and faster recovery.


  • Joint flexibility;
  • Improved Immune System;
  • Improvement of Blood Oxygenation;
  • Body tone;
  • Mental relaxation;
  • Muscle strength;
  • Improved coordination;
  • Improved Posture;
  • Mind-Body Connection.

Samantha Ciuoli


  • Pilates teacher;
  • Graduated in herbal techniques – Consultant in herbal medicine;
  • Plant Therapist Consultant – BFRP – Bach Foundation RegisteredPractionair;
  • Shamanic Yoga and Yoga Nidra Teacher;
  • ShinrinYoku teacher- Forest guide therapist;
  • Active guardian of the Mother Mantra.

First love is never forgotten.

The first time I met Pilates was back in 2007. I lived at the time in the city of Milan and Pilates was then starting to make itself known. It was love at first sight; a passion that has never left me since that day. For many years I practiced as a student in the best studios in Milan but it wasn’t enough, the fire of passion grew more and more, and I decided to enroll at the Stoot Pilates school and in turn pursue a career as a teacher .

I have been collaborating for years with various structures in the area where I hold group courses and private lessons. Currently my courses are active in Certaldo, Castelfiorentino, Poggibonsi and Fiano (hamlet of Certaldo).

I also hold online classes with clients who mainly live abroad. And I also collaborate with accommodation facilities in the area to provide tailor-made, personalized single or small group lessons to customers who so wish.

I am the Active Keeper of the Mother Mantra and I in turn transmit the initiations to this transformative path of spiritual growth. I am also a herbalist and I also work as a flower therapist, as a BFRP, or Certified Consultant and registered in the International Register of the Bach Centre. I strongly believe in a holistic approach to the person and I also teach Shamanic Yoga and various techniques of  meditation.

Well-being involves taking care of yourself in body, mind and soul.